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来源:青海医药 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-03-08
开万罂粟,因为和鸦片扯上关系,总让人联想到不好的事情,其实用在医药的正当用途中,它仍是一剂减轻患者疼痛的良药。而传说中的罂粟则是安慰剂。安抚了众神悲伤的灵魂,造福了天下苍生。Poppies were found inEgyptian tombs dating back3,000 years.According to theRomans.the poppy could heal a love wound and they used it for witchcraft.The ancientGreeks used poppies as a love charm and thought that they were a sign of fertility and brought health and strengthSOGreek athletes were given mixtures ot poppy seeds,honey,and wine.According toGreek legend,the poppy was created bySomnus,the god of sleep,to helpCeres.the corn goddess.who was exhausted by the search for her lost daughter that she couldn’t make the corn grow.The poppies soothed her to sleep,and when she rested,the corn grew again,giving rise to the belief that the presence of poppies was essential to grow corn.Demeter,SO as the legend goes, created the poppy for the purpose of getting some represented as crowned with were aware of the fact that aAnother story about the poppy tellsUS that a bad witch had transformed a woman into a poppy.From that day on the woman lived on the field with the other poppies and was allowed to visit her family only at night time.OHe night the woman told her husband that if the next day he will pick her poppy the spell(符咒)will be broken.In the morning the man went to the field and saw hundreds of poppies there.a11looking alike.After looking at each of them.the man knew which one was his wife because that poppy was the only one not wet by the morning dew, since the woman had spent her night at home.When he picked that poppy the spell was broken and they lived happily ever after.The poppy was noticed during theNapoleonicWars,as the mysterious flower that bloomed around the fresh graves of fallen soldiers.After the1914-1918 war the shell holes.and graves on the battlefields inFlanders.filled with poppies.ThePoppies were said to have come from the spilt blood of war.It iS an emblem that commemorates those who died in wars.Besides。Dorothy fell asleep in a field of poppies in theW琵ard ofOz(绿野仙踪).【人名简介】Somnus:f罗马神话】索莫纳斯(睡眠之神)Ceres:【罗马神话】谷类的女神(与希腊神话中的Demeter为同一神)Demeter:[希腊神话】得墨忒耳(掌管农业、结婚、丰饶之女神)Persephone:【希腊神话]珀尔塞福涅(宙斯之女,被冥王劫持娶作冥后)Hypnos:【希腊神话】许普诺斯{睡眠之神,与罗马神话中的Somnus为同一神Thanatos:【希腊神话】桑纳托斯(死亡之神)Dorothy:《绿野仙踪》里的主人公(责编:张雯)嚼纛一帆堕

文章来源:青海医药 网址: http://qhyy.400nongye.com/lunwen/itemid-3073.shtml

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